Two Arrested over Penis Enlargement Portion

Two men aged 30 and 33 have been arrested in connection with illegal penis enlargement medicine and counterfeit R100 notes in Booysens, Johannesburg  South africa on Sunday.

” SA Police arrested  the  two men on Saturday at about 2pm after one man was caught red-handed pasting illegal penis enlargement posters onto traffic light poles,” said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.

The man was arrested at an intersection on Heronmere Road and Booysen Road and led the police to a house where the illegal substance was found.

“The first suspect led officials to a house in Booysens where the illegal medicine was being made. It’s being sold for 300 Rand per container. s.

They were charged with damage to municipal property, and possession of counterfeit bank notes and they are appearing in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court today.


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4 thoughts on “Two Arrested over Penis Enlargement Portion

  1. wHY? mEN will always look for survival ways. If you enlarge your organs you test God the creator and guess what, your punishment is increased.

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