Over 81 Injured In Park Yard Market Fire Protests

The fire destroyed property worth billions of shillings

At least 81 people were injured on Wenesday following protest by Nakivubo Park Yard Vendors, Uganda Redcross Society has disclosed.

The fire destroyed property worth billions of shillings
The fire destroyed property worth billions of shillings

The protests started after police blocked vendors from accessing their burnt stalls in Nakivubo park yard market following a fire outbreak.

Among the 81 people, 28 were referred to Mulago Hospital after sustaining serious injuries during city riots and 53 of them sustained minor injuries.

According to Catherine Ntabadde the Public Relations Officer of Uganda Red Cross, the serious injuries included bullet wounds, deep wounds resulting from stones, unconsciousness and body swellings.

Ntabadde said that minor injuries included fainting, effects of tear gas, bruises and cuts.

Red Cross Recovery area was set up at the Uganda Red Cross Society First Aid Post at the Old Taxi Park to provide first aid services before any evacuations were done.

Two Uganda Red Cross ambulances were deployed and about 25 first aiders.

The Park Yard Market fire first broke out at 4am in the wee hours of Wednesday morning completely destroying the market without any merchandise saved.

Police, which was key in keeping law and order in and around the burnt market, was involved in fights with angry vendors who wanted to access the market.

Police commanded by officers like Sam Omala battled to keep vendors and the curious from the scene of the fire in vain.

Kampala Metropolitan Commander Andrew Felix Kaweesi addressed the vendors before an emergency meeting was convened to chart a way forward.

He said Police would continue to monitor the area to ensure criminal elements do not take advantage of the chaos at Park Yard.

By evening the situation was turning back to normal as affected vendors were still desperately searching for remains of their merchandise in the market.

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