Fellow Ugandans:
I  greet  you  in  Yumbe  and  Kaabong,  in  Hoima
and Busia, in Bushenyi and Kamuli and in every
household that sits on this favoured land. I greet
you  in  neighbouring  Kenya  and  Rwanda,  and  in
far away Beijing, London and Boston.

Wherever you are, we need to look to the future.
This  is  the  task  that  what  we,  The  Democratic
Alliance (Uganda), have undertaken in the last few
months  whilst  putting  together  this  manifesto.
But this is not something only our leaders must
consider,  it  is  also  our  task  as  Ugandans.  It  is
the  duty  that  each  of  us  as  citizens  owe  to  our
children and grandchildren, to the children of our
neighbours,  to  our  respective  communities  and
to the generations to come.
Uganda  at  53  years  of  age  has  come  a  long
way from the time when Africa was a continent
of  kingdoms  and  self-governing  nations,  clans
and  kinsfolk.  In  these  53  years  we  have  known
violence,  terror  and  death.  But  we  have  also
learned  that  it  is  possible  to  have  peace,  calm
and  longer  life.  And  although  we,  as  a  country,
are  not  where  we  want  to  be,  it  is  important  to
recognise  that  our  former  presidents  have,  in
their own ways, contributed to our advancement
as a nation. Still, the time has come to take this
country in a new direction.
It is time to mature.  Read the full speech here 

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