60% Of MUST Students Sexually Active

Global Health Action Has released A Damning Report On The Institution

Global Health Action Has released A Damning Report On The Institution

A study conducted by Global Health Action in 2010 indicates that students at the prestigious Mbarara University of Science and Technology in southwestern Uganda were “sexually active.”

60.3% of the students reported that they were sexually active,” the organization reported in their findings.

Of these, 18.6% did not use contraception in their previous sexual encounter. Students currently not in a relationship had higher odds of non-use of contraception.

Pressure will now be on government and other organizations combating the killer HIV/AIDS to redeploy their energies to promoting abstinence among the youth.

The study’s purpose was to determine the relationship between non-use of contraception and socio-demographic factors, alcohol consumption, and types of partner(s) among Ugandan university students.

A total of 1,954 students at the campus participated in the cross-sectional study.

Sexual behavior of such young people has become a key social and public health concern, especially with regard to unintended pregnancies.

While speaking at the 5th Joint AIDS Review/7th Partnership Forum Conference at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala in October Ethics and Integrity, Minister Simon Lokodo, said government had increased its contribution in the HIV/AIDS to $65 US dollars in the financial year 2012.

Lokodo revealed that government would add more 100,000 HIV patients on the service of ARV’S so as lives of Ugandans are not left to perish.

The Chairman Uganda Aids Commission (UAC) Prof. Vinand Nantulya, recently urged leaders at all levels to do their part in creating awareness


“I urge cultural, religious and political leaders to get back in the field because there is a new HIV battle that has increased the rate of HIV/AIDS prevalence in Uganda,” he said.

Appalling revelations

An estimated 41% of all pregnancies globally are unintended and 39% take place in Africa.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), the lifetime risk of death due to pregnancy is 1:22 in sub-Saharan Africa, with adolescents facing a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than older women.

This has led to an increase in pre-marital sexual activity, exposing the youth to the risk of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STI).

“Pre-marital sexual activity seems to be increasing among university students in Asia and Africa as a result of many factors, such as rapid urbanisation and exposure to mass media (5–8),” said Global Health Action.

The current use of contraception among 15- to 19-year-olds in Uganda is 6.5% and 21.3% between the ages of 20 and 24 (14).

A study done at six Ugandan universities showed overall condom use to be 51%, and current use of contraceptive methods other than male condoms was 9%.

Under Uganda’s strict anti-abortion law, induced abortion is rarely permitted (19). A study of Ugandan university students has shown that 7% of all sexually active women in this group have undergone an induced abortion (13).

Researchers noted that in Uganda, adolescent pregnancy often results in adverse maternal and neonatal health outcomes.

The association remained statistically significant for both males and females after controlling for age, sexual debut, area of growing up, and educational level of the household head.

Sexual and reproductive health policies and programmes should be designed to take these differences into account.

Hon. Kamanda Bataringaya, State Minister for Primary Education told the media last month that there was need for collective effort in emphasizing the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

“The cardinal message is Abstain from sex till marriage for the youth, Be faithful to your partners for those mature enough to be in relationships and if you cannot avoid temptations use a condom,” said Bataringaya.

HIV prevention to reduce HIV incidence by 30% by 2015 is the main goal of the National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS financial year 2011/2012, is.

Roughly 1.39m people out of the estimated population of 32m of Uganda are living with HIV/AIDS and the New HIV Infection has increased from 110,000 in 2010 to 135,000 in 2011.


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8 thoughts on “60% Of MUST Students Sexually Active

  1. and this is news. they are University students. meaning adults. atleast if they had said 60% of high school kids are sexually active which is the case then it would make news but university students..talk about MUK,..i gues its around 120%. i remember Moses ALi around CCE mega benching…damn those where the days..

  2. it is not suprising because donors have pumped millions of shillings in male circumcision other than abstinence ,being faithful and use of condoms,

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