Tsetse flies Invade Kiruhura District


It is not all well in Kiruhura! Member of Parliament, Nyabushozi county Wilson Kajwengye revealed  to Parliament that an estimated 100,000 herds of cattle have been affected by the diseases called tsetse flies.

“Unfortunately, we have lost the battle because the disease is chronic and cows lose weight. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries has intervened but minimally,” Kajwengye told Parliament.

The residents are now calling for government support to eradicate the pests that have attacked the  cattle in the area.

Reports show that for the past five years, cattle farmers in Kiruhura have borne the burden of fighting tsetse flies, whose cost he said was exorbitant and discouraging to commercial cattle farmers.

Kajwengye also added that Kiruhura district has lost Shs 26 billion and Shs 15 billion from sales of milk and beef respectively.

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