Ugandans at Hilton ‘outdo’ Dubai In NY Celebrations

At exactly, midnite, fireworks erupted from the rooftop of the hotel

At exactly, midnite, fireworks erupted from the rooftop of the hotel

By John Batanudde

Hilton Hotel sought another record-breaking celebration of the New Year with the largest fireworks display in the country.

At exactly, midnite, fireworks erupted from the rooftop of the hotel
At exactly, midnite, fireworks erupted from the rooftop of the hotel

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered around the landmark building   for an impressive record breaking fireworks display.

A bright specter of fireworks engulfes the skies
A bright specter of fireworks engulfes the skies

Lasers flashed through the skies over Nakasero, the chic suburb surrounding the Hotel, accompanied by dancing fountains at the foot of the tower, to the delight of the over 1000 invited guests who ushered in 2015 in style.

AYA Group of Companies Head Mohamid Hamid with a Friend
AYA Group of Companies Head Mohamid Hamid with a Friend

The function started as early as 7pm with all the guests having drinks and dinner while being entertained by Ndere Troupe as they waited for the countdown to the New Year.

BYEBYE 2014 A lady dancer from Ndere Troupe gyrates for the last time last year
BYEBYE 2014 A lady dancer from Ndere Troupe gyrates for the last time last year

To allay any security fears, any person whose name was not on the list was denied access the Hotel.

By 10pm, drinks were over and Mohamed Hammid the proprietor of the hotel ordered for more drinks to be brought into the house.

MP Geoffrey Ekanya was among  the MP's  in attendence
MP Geoffrey Ekanya was among the MP’s in attendence

With the New Year 8 minutes away, all the guests were ordered to leave the VIP tent and go to the gardens to usher in 2015 and shortly, fireworks engulfed the sky. For close to 30 minutes, revelers were treated to one of the best fireworks displays in Kampala. Shortly after, music was played while people danced and hugged who ever was in their vicinity. Departure was at pleasure.

The lady seems to be fed up of her man's unkept 2014 promises
The lady seems to be fed up of her man’s unkept 2014 promises

In a brief interview, Hamid said the hotel will be opened before the end of this year and that it will employ more than 2000 Ugandans. (All photos by John Batanudde).

Ndere Troupe dancers in full flight
Ndere Troupe dancers in full flight




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