Juba Hosts Investment Conference

South Sudan capital Juba will from December 4-5 be thronged by hundreds of national and international investors as it hosts one of the biggest investment conferences in the country aimed at showcasing the economic diversification in the fledgling nation.

EeDubbed South Sudan Investment Conference (SSIC), and held under the theme: “Investment for Economic Diversification and Prosperity,” the event will cultivate an economic environment that will boost networking among investors and act as a forum for investors to raise some of the critical challenges they face in the country and how government should tackle them.

Resource persons and panelists in the two day event will critically examine the government reform program, assess the attractiveness of South Sudan as the newest investment location, and shed light on the realities of operating a business in South Sudan and identifying emerging investment opportunities.

The conference will provide a platform for investors to explore business or investment opportunities particularly on the five high impact sectors namely Agriculture, Infrastructure, Tourism and Hospitality, Petroleum and Mining.

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