Kim Jong Un Had Uncle Eaten Alive By 120 Starved Dogs

Jang Song-Thaek, in blue suit and handcuffs being escorted in court on December 12, was executed by wild dogs, according to reports coming from China.

Jang Song-Thaek, in blue suit and handcuffs being escorted in court on December 12, was executed by wild dogs, according to reports coming from China.
Jang Song-Thaek, in blue suit and handcuffs being escorted in court on December 12, was executed by wild dogs, according to reports coming from China.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un sentenced his uncle to be eaten alive by a pack of 120 wild dogs in a savage punishment for treachery, it has been claimed.

Jang Song-Thaek, 67, along with five close aides, was stripped naked and thrown into a cage of hounds which had been starved for three days, according to new details emerging from China.

The pack of animals spent more than an hour mauling the group in a punishment called ‘quan jue’, or execution by dogs, a report in Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Po said.

The leader of the communist state had accused his uncle – once seen as North Korea’s second most powerful man – of treason and corruption and described him as ‘scum’ and ‘factionalist filth’ during his recent New Year message.

Unlike previous executions of political prisoners, which were carried out by firing squads with machine guns, this extraordinary sentence seems to have been specially reserved for the most hated in North Korean society. 

The report in the Chinese language newspaper said the entire process was supervised by the supreme leader in North Korea, along with 300 senior officials – a clear warning against anyone challenging Kim’s leadership.

The fact details of the barbaric punishment emerged in a newspaper, viewed as Beijing Government’s official mouthpiece, in Hong Kong, has been seen as another signal of China’s authorities losing patience with its wayward neighbour.

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