On Saturday, singer Desire Luzinda was headed for a night in jail until her ex lover Juma Seiko chipped in and saved her.


After long hours of being grilled, at around 7pm, Desire was granted police bond with the effort of his ex bonkmate Juma Seiko.

She was arrested on Saturday morning as soon s she jetted back into the country from her mysterious tour in Congo Brazzaville.

Snoops say she was whisked away to Kireka police station where she was made to sweat plasma as officers fired consecutive questions to her.

She was arrested in connection to the 27M shillings she borrowed from a university lecturer on claims that she was going to use it for a concert at Serena hotel years back.

However, after the concert she never bothered to pay the lecturer back prompting him to file a complaint to police thus her arrest over the weekend.

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